Monday, May 30, 2005

I've Been Away

And almost every day I've had the, "I should blog about this" notion at some time or another, and every day I eschew the thought in the name of another rousing game of Bejeweled 2, the current obsession of the household.

It's sort of amazing how easily I can be sucked into a silly game involving virtual shiny things. Steve, too. We're impressive, I know.

To catch up in the wake of my absence: all is well. My biz partners and I are formalizing our relationship and forming a corporation. It's been rather intense, talking about key man insurance, liability issues, and how we'll divvy our profits. A barrel of laughs, really. Actually, allow me to retract my cynical tone there - it really has been a barrel of laughs, thanks to the amazing chemistry the three of us have together. I feel pretty lucky.

A few weeks ago I got a little jolt when I popped into Easy Street Records in lovely West Seattle, and heard a bevy of little voices shouting in the adjacent intersection. They were school-age kids protesting proposed school closures. They were the real deal, with picket signs and mantras of "Don't close my school!" Very cute, yes, but really far more inspiring than cute.

A few days later I did my version of a jig (of course, I have no idea what that would actually be, but you know what I'm saying) when the headlines blurted that the proposed school closures were canned, thanks to the vociferous protest around Seattle. Here's my thought: those children were afforded a real lesson in the benefits of activism. What an amazing thing to learn at such a young age! I hope the kids feel proud, and take that pride to the next thing they feel passion towards - our future may be in great hands!

I've also had the somewhat uncomfortable realization of late that I'm so prone to bitching about politics and righteous causes that I'm probably a bore. I'm the person in my Spanish class, for instance, for whom the students do a little silent eyeball roll. At every opportunity I answer questions in Spanish with some sort of jab at Dubya (no translation for that) or the plight of anyone and everyone. Hell, even I'm annoyed with me, but...





Perhaps I should consult a professional about this? Is there some sort of salve for being a blowhard? Do I just need to start calling talk shows obsessively?

So, if not politics, than this: I got a cute top (read: yuppie version of a shirt) from Banana Republic (read: sweatshop labor) today (Memorial Day, the day to remember all of our mortally wounded troops) in downtown (read: walked past a bunch of panhandlers guiltily). See? There's no hope for me.


Blogger cynthia said...

Actually, I don't know where anybody buys guilt-free clothes-- the more you know, the more you find out. It takes all the fun out of shopping.

7:26 AM  

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