Monday, October 25, 2004

I’ve been fearing the so-called “October Surprise,” thinking that, of course, any such surprise would spell trouble in the polls next week for President Kerry. (In “All’s Fair,” the totally entertaining book by James Carville and Mary Matalin recalling their time on opposing campaigns back in ’92, the OS is referred to as the “Smoking Bimbo.” Thank god for evolution.) I never suspected that the OS might help underscore precisely why Kerry should win next Tuesday (or whenever the election is finally called). So then, I had one of those weird moments of feeling smug and terrified this morning as I read the headline about the cache of arms missing from Iraq. I don’t really know what to say about the actual facts about the missing arms, since the story is pretty depressing no matter how you spin it. Instead, I will pose a question to my fellow bloggers: Do you ever feel a flash of excitement about bad news which implicates the Other Guy, before you feel regret that the bad news in question could actually spell doom or harm for fellow humans? Think about this in the shower, trampoline, and let us know what you think.

Thanks for the link to The Note, apocalypseforever. I think this page answers some of my online politics needs, actually. It’s not quite a blog (my actual need), but its close enough to qualify as online insider-blather, and I do love me some insider-blather.

In the spirit of posting links of interest, I beg you to go check out this inflammatory, angry, penetrating song and video from Eminem. Go now. (If that link doesn't work, try: I’ve been a guilt-ridden fan of Eminem’s for years – it will be entertaining to watch his former critics fall all over themselves in support of this new anti-Bush track.

I'm volunteering at Kerry/Edwards HQ here in Seattle tomorrow. I think I get to answer the phones by saying, "Thank you for calling Victory 2004." Maybe by the end of my shift I'll feel the truth in those words!

I spoke with a politically-savvy client who watched "Meet the Press" yesterday. She pointed out that Gillespie started hemming and hawing about apparent problems with some of the newly-registered voters. Sounds like the wheel is being greased for a good, legal battle about voters and their behavior.

I'm reading "The Press Effect" for my class right now - it really couldn't be a more timely read. I totally recommend it. It's a detailed (but entertainingly written) analysis of the press coverage of the 2000 election fracas. The book's authors employ dozens of quotes from the Brokaws of the world to support their thesis that the results of the Florida nightmare were dictated, in part, by the press. More frighteningly, it becomes apparent in reading the day-by-day recap of the weeks following the election that the GOP went after Florida and the absentee ballots almost viciously. During the FL count/re-count the GOP managed to sway the mainstream press to speak about the election in terms of likely-for-Bush, unlikely-for-Gore, which had an effect on the Supreme Court's ruling. Terrifying. We of the liberal ilk know of the stop-at-nothing methods of Rove and his cronies, but again, to read it all with the perspective we have now is just chilling.

This just in: The Orlando Sentinal endorses Kerry for Pres. Yay! In the land of Epcot, that's gotta mean something.


Blogger trampoline said...

What I think? You act as if I have an opinion about everything... You act like you haven't had to counsel me through about six relationships and their ensuing breakups!

But, alas, I do have thoughts. Thanks to the shower. I'm exactly the same way, and of course it's bad. BUT, it's not as bad as it SOUNDS. All it means, imho, is that you're caught up in the competition of it all. The Kerry vs. Bush of it all. It's a forest-for-the-trees thing. It's why Cardinals fans were secretly excited that Curt Schilling hurt his ankle. Do they wish him pain? Of course not! Do they want to win the World Series? Probably more than they want their candidate to win the election.

Anyway, I think it takes some stepping back and remembering that we are Americans first, partisans second, blah blah blah... But ultimately, let's be real: Bush is an "ends-justify-the-means" guy. He's all in favor of minor sacrifices on his way to the Greater Good. He honestly believes that shit. And I've said all along that the only way to fight fire is to bring some motherfucking gasoline.

Call me a cynic, but I think the Dems are good people who need to be a little badder. Fight spin with spin. Fight ultimate truth with our own (truer) ultimate truth. Etcetera, etcetera.

GodDAMN I love Eminem.

9:45 AM  
Blogger trampoline said...

I apologize for my zeal, but hey-- I ain't gotta blog. I have to hijack someone else's.

So here are a few random things:

Love that Bill Clinton. LOVE that Bill Clinton. That think/hope comment? Motherfucker needs to fake his own death, get a facelift and a name-change and run for office again.

Here's my favorite omen of the day, found on a bottle of soy milk. Do you think White Wave, Inc. (makers of Silk) know something?

Get Your War On has a pretty genius comment on this whole 380 tons thing.

And I'm glad the O-town Sentinel is endorsing Kerry, but I got a little stoned on MSNBC last night, and Keith Olberman has me convincd that it don't mean a thing. Hmph.

10:16 AM  
Blogger trampoline said...


Those Eminem links haven't fared too well, so we went ahead and added another: on TRAMPOLINE HOUSE.

So, you can get your EMINEM ANTI BUSH VIDEO here...

1:54 PM  

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