Pessimism, Approval...
Telling piece about the mood among U.S. voters. Within this piece, there's this nugget:
Bush's job-approval rating has slipped to 48 percent, according to USA Today, below the 50 percent threshhold seen as critical for incumbent presidents hoping to keep their job.
Yay! Just like our pal Zogby said on The Daily Show!
But then, to confuse, the article continues:
But New York Times poll respondents sent Bush's approval rating up five percentage points to 49 percent over the past two weeks.
Uh... wha? Oh, wait, it must have been the missing munitions. Or maybe it was the "wolves" ad. Ooh, could it have been the $70B request for further funding for Iraq? Now that they mention it, Bush really has been doing a better job in the last two weeks.
Bush's job-approval rating has slipped to 48 percent, according to USA Today, below the 50 percent threshhold seen as critical for incumbent presidents hoping to keep their job.
Yay! Just like our pal Zogby said on The Daily Show!
But then, to confuse, the article continues:
But New York Times poll respondents sent Bush's approval rating up five percentage points to 49 percent over the past two weeks.
Uh... wha? Oh, wait, it must have been the missing munitions. Or maybe it was the "wolves" ad. Ooh, could it have been the $70B request for further funding for Iraq? Now that they mention it, Bush really has been doing a better job in the last two weeks.