Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Votergate, Part II

Please, please read this. Post it, e-mail it, send it around. Blogs helped dissect Dan Rather's docu-drama, Bush's bulge, and other sundry issues this year - perhaps with enough e-attention, this issue will get coverage by the mainstream media. Why wouldn't they investigate?

This Should Be on Pay-Per-View


Dearie me, I've not posted since last Friday. The funny thing is this: I'm not sure what to write about. How's this? I hosted a salon on Saturday with my good friend Laura. We invited conversationalists who happen to be obsessed with (or professionally ensconced in) media and/or politics. We had a great bunch - a stylist, a web producer from one of the dailies here, a writer from one of our weeklies, a media professor/journalist, an associate director of a policy advocate firm, a promotions/marketing consultant, and lil' ol' me. We drank wine and ate things while talking about what needs to be done in the next four years. Very snooty, no? It was GREAT. Some amazing thinking was voiced - Maybe now that he doesn't need to be reelected Bush will no longer be beholden to the Christian right? (Nice thought, at least.) We need an issue akin to gay marriage to galvanize people at the polls. (Minimum wage? Universal access to early education?) We need to consider how to make an impact at the base level of what Tuesday's election revealed - we need to convey that poverty IS a moral value which deserves a vote against Red. That corporations should not get special treatment. That war is immoral, especially as a preemptive measure, and without the nod from the international community.
But you know all of this.

In other news, I sold my truck yesterday. It was funny: as the buyer drove off with it I was struck by how cute it was. I don't recall ever appreciating the cuteness of that car. Oh, and I was very sad that I couldn't just give it to my boyfriend. He loved that car. Sniff.

Then I got into my yuppie Subaru and clicked on the heated seats, and laughed all the way to the bank. (Okay, that last part, the laughing? That's a lie.)

Have I mentioned that I'm going to Mexico next week? Is this a good thing? YES.